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Saturday, 26 September 2009

Keep iTunes synched with your music folders

Posted by Mike Charlie

This one's for all of you iTunes users that like to keep your music organized but sometimes find it hard to do so when your library gets too big and complex to keep track.

As you may know, unlike Windows Media Player, iTunes doesn't manage your music folders automatically. You have to rip your music to a folder and then add it to the iTunes library. Well, that can be quite annoying when you've got hundreds or thousands of music files and find it takes so much work to organize them and keep them synched with iTunes.

If you delete a music file from the folder or change it's location, iTunes will not automatically process this, it'll just wait for you to manually correct it. The only thing it does is mark the file with an exclamation mark!

Well, here's a nice tip for you guys: iTunes Library Updater

Just click the link above and install it. Then start it using the iTLU (GUI) link.

Then, just follow these steps:

1 - (Just in case) Backup you iTunes library. It's usually located at \My Music\iTunes\iTunes Library

2 - Add the paths to your music folders

3 - Define which music file extensions you want to consider. Just leave as is, or remove any you don't want

4 - Select: "Add new media", "Search in subdirectories" and "Clean orphaned entries"

5 - Press "Advanced" and change the location of the iTunes Library manually (only needed if the software can't find it automatically)

6 - Click start and let the magic begin!!!

Run it once in a while to make sure you have iTunes synched with your music folders.


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